Archive for May, 2014

May 1st
written by phil

Man and Woman, One in Christ is included in the list of 99 important theological works from the time of Augustine to the present at  It is #8 on the list. The list is introduced: “there are a few books that have achieved such insight and lucidity that anyone interested in Christian theology should take the time to read them.”

May 1st
written by phil

On April 11 in in Renton, WA, I had the joy of presenting two plenary sessions with Q&A at the annual conference  of the International Fellowship of Ministries.  The responsive audience was uniformly enthusiastic. Henry Klopp wrote, “Your sessions were fantastic! We received nothing but rave reviews about your presentation and answering of questions.” Michael Proctor wrote, “Thank you so much for your amazing work that you shared with us at the IFM Conference last week regarding your book, Man and Woman, One in Christ.  You really opened up some doors for me.”